Friday was the last day of after school programming so I decided that this would be the day that whatever classes came in (because the schedule is usually different on early release and last days), they would help move and clean. I consider it everyone's job to clean the studio, we all use it so we all need to pitch in to keep it clean. When I say we moved everything, I mean it. if it wasn't stuck to the floor it moved. The only thing I could not find a place for is leaving soon so I wont have to worry about it (the large mural currently leaning against the 'gallery space')
Starting with the picture above, it is immediately to the left if you have just walked through the door. This one table sticking out will be the Ink Studio(interchangeable with paint when we're ready). This is nice and close to the sink and only has 5 spaces to help keep that under control. A little farther back there is the printing and stamping studio. This seats 7 and is also close to the sink so stamps can be washer regularly other messes can be attended to quickly. All the walls are plain because next week I will be making all the resources. In the far corner is my desk and my prep table where we will have Talk time. In the next picture you will see the carpet where everyone will sit.
The picture above shows the desk area as well as the drawing studio along the back wall. The drawing area also seats 7. I thought this would be a good place for this in case some members wanted to draw what was outside the window or they could find inspiration out there. Next door there is an animal shelter and they have had some interesting ones like a peacock, emu, and donkey. The shelving next to the table will hold all of the paper for the various studios. There will also be 'special paper' that must be asked for.
As we continue to look around the room there are two cabinets in front of the large cubby shelf. The cubby shelf will house the resources for drawing and collage as well as some materials that members may need to ask for or have a special plan for. The one table by the white board will be the collage studio. This should seat 5. There are some bins under it for collage materials and I'm going to make these cool glue sponges I've seen on pinterest.
I haven't decided what I'll make my bulletin board about yet. I was thinking a variety of completely different art works to show that there are many different types of art. Maybe even to introduce the Studio Habits. The cubbies near the door will be where the portfolios are stored. That way they can be returned to their place on the way out the door.

If you stand in the middle of the room, the door is where I was standing when I took the first picture. That is the table for the Ink Studio again and now my sink is visible. I hope that by organizing the room this way, it will flow well. There is still a lot of cleaning to do and a lot of organizing but thankfully with the kids being gone this whole week I can get everything clean, organized, labeled, made, and wait for new supplies to come in. Speaking of supplies, see those annoying chairs? They are enormous, do you know what happens when you try to shove 32 very large middle schoolers in? And then they all want to stand to work!?!? AHHHHHHH, I trip over chairs and bags and its just horrendous. I have been begging for stools for a year now and GUESS WHAT! They have been ordered!!! I. Am. Beyond. Excited.
The last picture is a much better view of printing and stamping. I hope to move that table all the way in the back to somewhere and have a scribble center on the chalk board or use it to keep notes for the
teen leadership club I advise. I'm really looking forward to completing the room. The way it is now makes it look so much bigger! I cant wait to have the stools and shove them all under the table. My little art teacher heart is so happy.
Also, I felt that it was important to say thanks for the comments I've been getting. Lots of great suggestions and it's pretty cool to think someone else is reading this.
Hopefully I'll have at least one studio completely by Wednesday of next week and will post pictures.
**After thought, currently it sits 24, this isn't enough. I have found a way to move the storage closets and the collage studio. I will move it tomorrow very early and post pictures. Since tomorrow we clean most of the building and dont get to focus on our own rooms.