I'll start with the trial and error portion. Originally I was having the members do exit slips on the way out the door on a large board. Many of the members were forgetting to do them/or just not doing them. I would have to count them out and record them on my own personal sheet to track them. This simply became overwhelming for both parties. So what I devised was a simple table I created in word that had space for all the same weekly information such as the center they used and what they did that day. I had them glue this rectangle on to their portfolios because everyone has one and when I walk by I can glance at the portfolio and see what they've been up to. This was the first week and I devised it in the middle of the week so 4 classes have missed this but I will make up for it next week. I know my Monday classes need it and my Wednesday afternoon needs it since I left sick yesterday. [stupid migraines]

So on to collage. Many of the members took to this and created some interesting pieces. Some even voluntarily shared their work [gasp]. As a middle schooler this can be terrifying but they did it and did it well. I was proud and they received a character counts coupon for their bravery and sharing. I also hung their work in the gallery for a little extra recognition.
Many of the members who took their time on portfolios reverted to the pastels that they didn't have a chance to try. It was nice to see them go back and practice something new and have other options as well. Some took my example and created their own [what a relief, they didn't copy] But they used a mixed media approach by creating a pastel background and then using the collage center to add their pieces. Many of them are just in the scribble phase and dont know what their artwork means so when we talk I try and point out the elements and principles. One girl's was so symmetrical and so we talked about what that means.
Overall mostly everyone has been hard at work. The ones who attempt to finish early I push to do something else or deepen their current work. Some are stuck and thats ok, thats when I lead them to the library and find lots of different artwork for inspiration.

Many of the kids say they enjoy art better this way and I can see that they are getting better at sitting through the 5 minutes demos. Next week is printing and stamping. I'm going to show them to make monoprints for which I have made amazing tempra paint glue bottles to cut down on waste and mess. I'm going to show them the process and then limit it to 5 people at a table. The stamping table will be open to 7. That takes care of almost an entire class and hopefully that starts to spread them out more. I have drawing supplies at all the tables so that I can send them to different tables when it gets too crowded or they need some time apart from their friends to get their work done.
I mentioned I went home sick and someone took my classes. When I returned this morning my room was a mess. This only makes me cringe because I'll be gone for two weeks later in the summer. I hope I dont come back to a hot mess, but I've already been told to expect it.
Really looking forward to next week. When I'll also be doing random portfolio checks.
Oh and P.S- I'm FINALLY getting a kiln. I have been waiting three years for this. [insert excited art teacher squeals]
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